
Mina Akhnoukh

Senior Media Buyer

  • Profile Strength: 70%
  • 0.0
  • 0 Completed Projects
  • 0 Ongoing Projects
  • 0% Recommended
  • 0 Times Rehired
  • Worked With 0 Clients
  • 0 Feedbacks


Managing social media platforms, media buying, content development, contributing sales educational sessions frequently, handling all kinds of social activities for all of our accounts, managing small projects and handling its tasks with the team, experienced in Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, and LinkedIn Ads, of course, there are more to learn, but its okay with what I have here ;)

My services include:


  • Digital Marketing Team leader

    CardoO 2021-10-21 - 2023-05-12

    - Help Identify target audiences and plan media campaigns - Developing advertising strategies and campaigns with marketing teams to most effectively reach the desired audience - Proofreading advertising material before launching campaigns - Negotiating with advertising sales agents to ensure the most cost-effective deal structures - Experiment with new platforms and channels - Tracking and presenting campaign data such as views, click-throughs rates, engagements, and customer conversion rates - Determining and managing tasks, issues, risks, and action items - Conducting market research and analyzing demographics, media usage, psychographics, and buying patterns to define the target audience and campaign requirements - Monitoring progress and performance and helping teams to make improvements - Ensuring the proper use of collaborative processes and removing impediments to the team - Tracking project processes, deliverables, and financials - Track costs, ad performances, and ROAS

Educational Details


Portfolio Name

This is some of my social media campaigns that i did

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